

President: Jim Guarasci
Treasurer: Doreen DiBenedetto
Recording Secretary: Dana Duff

Board of Directors

Catherine Brunelle
T. Eric Collins
Doreen DiBenedetto
Derek Tarson

Committee Chairpersons & Assistants

Benefit: Jim Guarasci
Box Office: Doreen DiBenedetto
Calendar: Doreen DiBenedetto
Costumes: Leonora Merkel
Fundraising: Jim Guarasci and Dana Duff
Hospitality: Catherine Brunelle
Lighting Design: Allan Seward
Lighting/Sound Coordinator: Allan Seward
Membership: Doreen Dibenedetto
Playbill: Jim Guarasci
Public Relations: Jim Guarasci
Set Designer: David W. Julin
Social Media: Kim Farewell
Website: Catherine Brunelle